Apply for a road closure

Applicant(s) details


Please be specific and attach a sketched plan if necessary.

Please note

This application form must be fully completed and received at a Council office at least 60 days prior to the event date

1. You must include with this application form: Proof of public liability insurance to a minimum of $2,000,000.
2. You must submit a Temporary Traffic Management Plan into Submitica,
3. At least 48 days prior to the event date the applicant must carry out a letterbox drop to affected residents in regards to the
proposed closure.

The applicant must email the Council to confirm that this has been completed.

The Council will send you invoices for the following:
a. Application fee
b. Deposit
c. Pre and post inspections (if required)

Click here to read all the conditions and responsibilities before submitting this form.

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