About this website

Welcome to our website – here are a few of the different things you'll notice.

Human friendly

This website is for you – we’ve made lot of improvements to make it easier to get things done.

We’ve re-written our content into plain language. We’ve removed visual complexity so the site is uncluttered and clear. Everything should be easier to understand – to make getting things done with us that little bit quicker.

Information from us should also be accessible to all citizens – meaning if you use a screen reader or other assistive software or devices the site should work well for you.

Device friendly

At the same time, we’ve also improved things behind the scenes. The site should work well on any device, with modern and flexible templates.

We’ve improved security, moving to the https protocol. We’ve improved search, and will keep working on this as time progresses.

Get things done

We’ve also reorganised content around your interactions with us, rather than our departments or internal structures. All the services we deliver to your property should be in the My Property section. Likewise, grants and community support is in the My Community section.

The ‘Do it online’ section gives quick access to payments, applications and tracking functions. We’ve started small; over time the available services will expand.

Other improvements include:

  • New maps for recreation information like reserves, facilities, boat ramps, campgrounds, sportsgrounds and public toilets.
  • Improvements to the cemetery search. If we have a photo for a headstone it will display in the record search. We’ve also introduced the ability to upload photos

Long term vision

Our long term goal for the website is that it becomes a place where it’s easy to interact with us. A place where there’s up-to-date and relevant information, a full range of services and lots of options to get things done. We’ll need your help with that, so we welcome your feedback.

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