Do you know that 20 percent of Tasman District’s population was born overseas, and our community is made up of people who are from more than 100 different ethnicities? We live in a fabulously diverse community but sometimes there are obstacles in connecting with all sectors of Tasman.

We can help by providing guidance for those wanting to make cross-cultural connections. Cultural Connections Workshops provide opportunities to understand local demographics, population predictions and how to make the most of our growing diversity.

They will share useful resources to inform and include diverse community members by taking part in interactive dialogue, building bridges, and deepening senses of belonging.

If you’re a member of a service group, rural support and community organisation, local interest group, maybe a sports or hobby club, or even a business, and you’re interested in organising or hosting a Cultural Connections Workshop in your community, get in touch.

We can provide advertising, workshop facilitation, food, and some seed funding to plan an inclusive event.

Contact our Welcoming Communities Officer, Birte Becker-Steel on

Connect for inspiration on how to embrace and engage with our diverse community.