We don’t want to bag the majority of dog owners who know that what comes out of their canine needs to be disposed of – but we’re getting a whiff of some doggy doo deeds that need us to say – don’t!

It would be an incredible feat if all dogs were toilet trained. Unfortunately, their time spent outdoors is as much about exercise as it is about doing what comes naturally to them.

Dog owners are responsible for not only picking up their doggy dumplings, but also for disposing of them appropriately. When your dog backs one out – bag it up and bin it.

We have recently had numerous complaints from across the District on how many dog owners are just leaving the doggy doo bags on the ground. This is not acceptable and just like not picking up after your dog, leaving the baggies behind is a finable offence.

And while Old Yeller, Scooby or Marmaduke are part of the family, you can’t take it out of their allowance – it’s the owners who have to bear the fine.

We have set up our green doggy doo bag dispenser stations in many convenient spots across the District. They are also within close proximity to a rubbish bin, for quick disposal.

The bags are provided to reduce the incidence of fouling by dogs in our parks and reserves. They also reduce the potential risk of public health issues arising from dog faeces and reduce the fouling of rubbish bins.

If you don’t have some bags of your own with you on your walk, please help yourself to one of the ones supplied.