The region’s equine recreationalists seemed pleased with the new horse-riding trail on Moturoa/Rabbit Island linking the parking area near the boat ramp with the beachfront.

The original plan was to create a track linking the equestrian park on Rough Island to the front beach, but it was considered too dangerous for horses to cross the narrow causeway that connects Rough to Moturoa/Rabbit Island. The compromise was a new two-kilometre-long track from near the boat ramp through the forest to the front beach, also connecting with Monaco Road which borders the beach.

The number of riders using the new path has been steadily growing since it opened a few months ago.

The new equestrian link was paid for with money from the previous government’s Better Off Funding Support Package.

But remember access to the forest is by permit only, which means it’s off-limits to cyclists, walkers and horse riders.

Meanwhile, another area of recreational interest to horse riders is the banks of the Waimea River.

Initial feedback has just closed on our Waimea River Park Management Plan Review with good feedback from the horse-riding community. The Waimea River Park comprises Council-controlled river berm land alongside the Waimea River and the lower reaches of the Wairoa and Wai-iti Rivers. Information gathered from this early feedback period will be used to help draft the final plan, which we hope to share with you next year.