We’re ramping up efforts to get on top of the growing problem of illegal dumping in public places, but we need your help.

In some cases, trailer loads of rubbish are being dumped, and our disposal costs have reached more than $2,000 a month.

The frustration is that much of this rubbish is material that can be recycled and disposed of for free at our Resource Recovery Centres and the minimum charge to dispose of a 60-litre rubbish bag has recently been dropped to $3.60.

We’re now also using new and improved technology in the surveillance of known illegal dumping hotspots around the District.

Often there is information in documents that clearly name and supply addresses where it may have come from. In some cases, these are repeat offenders. We will be taking the opportunity to follow up and potentially contact people who are named.

Our fine for illegal dumping is $400, however if the issue goes to court, fines can reach up to $5,000 for individuals and $20,000 for businesses if found guilty.

If you see rubbish being illegally dumped in public and can get a photo of vehicles involved, please contact us as soon as you can.