Everywhere you look over the next month you’ll see motorcycles, and if you don’t, look again.

September is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Every year from September, there’s a spike on the graphs, motorcycle crashes, injuries, ACC claims, and fatalities – they all take off.

Our Road Safety Co-ordinator Jeni Thornborough says this can partly be explained just by the numbers.

“The volume of bikes on the road suddenly doubles, so for drivers, it must seem like they’re coming from every direction.”

Jeni says the focus of the month is on creating awareness.

“We’re raising awareness among riders about risks and how best to prepare for a ride, and making other road users aware of the increased number of bikes on the roads at this time of year.”

The campaign includes daily safety messaging with links to information and videos across various social media platforms including the Ride to Live Facebook page(external link).

Free “Look Again Look Again for Motorcyclists” activity books have been created for children too, look for them at our libraries.