Thousands of dollars that could be spent on other community facilities are having to be diverted to repair damage caused by vandals in reserves at Appleby.

Our Parks and Reserves Team is deeply concerned about a recent surge in anti-social behaviour. These people’s actions have led to significant damage and have had a severe financial impact on our operations.

People using motorbikes, quad bikes, and four-wheel drives have bypassed bollards and engaged in reckless and damaging activities. This includes skidding through grass areas and plantings, and vandalising structures and signs, resulting in considerable damage.

The latest bill for these repairs is around $10,000, which has affected our ability to allocate funds to other projects. In addition, encounters with some members of the public have put our staff and contractors at risk.

We’re addressing the problem and working closely with police and security firms to find and hold those responsible accountable.

We want to ensure that we have safe and well-maintained places for everyone in our community to use and enjoy.