Have you seen this pest plant? For the health of our crops, we hope not.

Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) is an Exclusion Pest in the Tasman Nelson Regional Pest Management Plan.

This means that to our knowledge it is not established in this region, and we want to keep it that way.

Velvetleaf is an annual, broad-leaved herb that grows up to 2.5m tall. It is regarded as the world’s worst cropping weed, capable of causing up to 70% reduction in crop yields. This is because it produces chemicals that inhibit water uptake and photosynthesis in many crop species.

It takes its name from the velvety feel of its large circular or heart-shaped leaves, which become smelly when bruised or crushed.

Velvetleaf has buttery yellow flowers (3cm across) which appear from spring through to autumn. The seed capsules are distinctive and resemble a cup with many segments.

Seeds can survive an incredible 50 years, and can be spread by farm machinery, livestock, and as a contaminant of grain or silage. It is resistant to many herbicides, so is difficult to control.

If you think you have velvetleaf on your property, or you have seen it somewhere in the District, please don’t attempt to control it. Instead, get in touch with our Biosecurity Team at biosecurity@tasman.govt.nz, or call 03 543 8400.