Boating has its risks all year round, and through winter these are amplified.

Over the past two months, seven people have died in three maritime incidents involving recreational craft around New Zealand. These events have occurred in varying conditions and involved different sized vessels.

We are fortunate that none of these incidents have occurred in Tasman waters, and we want this to continue.

Our diverse maritime environment stretches from Kahurangi Lighthouse to the Waimea Inlet and covers 725km of coastline. With many estuaries and inlets, sand bars and heavy tidal shifts to navigate, the risk is ever-present.

If you are thrown from your boat, or it capsizes, it is extremely challenging to survive in bitterly cold conditions, or large swells and strong winds.

If you’re thinking of heading out on the water, consider the weather, your experience in handling any challenges, as well as the condition of your boat – when in doubt, don’t go out.

We want to ensure the safety of everyone on the water. In an emergency, make a Mayday Call on VHF 16 or call the Police/ 111 for immediate assistance. They will be able to coordinate with the appropriate service.

When you are out on the water, always have your VHF turned on and tuned to channel 16. You may not have a radio certification yet, but you may hear someone in distress close by.

However, in the case of any maritime accident, incident, or near miss, please report it to Maritime New Zealand here(external link).

And let the Harbourmaster know as soon as possible via this online portal(external link).

Know the ways of the water before you let go of the land – link).