News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

News in August 2024

Check before you chop our native forest

The recent conviction of a Murchison farmer and his associated business for illegally clearing almost 10 hectares of native bush has emphasised the need to check…

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Property purchase progresses plans

One of our largest planned infrastructure projects over the next two decades has taken another step with the purchase of a block of land at Appleby.


Fatty waste

Fatty waste discharges – not grate

We have recently been liaising with a business in Brightwater about their waste disposal habits after our compliance team managed to catch an illegal discharge to…

Yulia in Japan

Peace from Hiroshima to Tasman

Our Community Partnerships Coordinator Yulia Panfylova recently spent two weeks in Japan where she was selected as one of two interns to work with the Mayors…

GTT open 02

Pokororo to Peninsular officially open

The latest asset on Tasman’s Great Taste Trail is officially open.

More than 70 cyclists and residents gathered at the new Pokororo Swing Bridge last month with…

Planning for Industry in Tākaka

Members of the Tākaka industrial business community are invited to take part in an Urban Growth Plan Change 81 feedback session Monday 12 August in the…

Big plans for small bridge

Many people probably don’t realise it, but there’s a small bridge on Lower Queen Street, and that small bridge is about to get a big upgrade.


Speed cushions to be softened

Some of Wensley Road in Richmond’s contentious speed cushions are to be removed.

Two sets of the traffic calming devices installed under the Streets for People programme…