News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

News in September 2024

Parks, reserves and track closures

Wai-iti River cycleway
Our contractor is doing river works in the Wai-iti River. This is close to the cycleway alongside the river between Hoult Valley Road and…


Velvetleaf a conundrum for crops

Have you seen this pest plant? For the health of our crops, we hope not.

Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) is an Exclusion Pest in the Tasman Nelson Regional…

TRMP and TRPS update

The Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) and the Tasman Regional Policy Statement (TRPS) have been updated 
Information on the latest TRMP update can be found here: Volume…


Funding secured for flood protection

We recently told you about the successful completion of the Motueka River Stopbank Project Stage One – part of a three-year programme of works to enhance…

eBus changes over time 3 edit

Where’s my eBus?

There are times when things are beyond our control and eBus timetables and services get disrupted or delayed.

There are three simple ways that you can stay…

Motorcycle 01

Ride to Live

Everywhere you look over the next month you’ll see motorcycles, and if you don’t, look again.

September is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Every year from September, there’s a…