Age-friendly policy

Adopted in 2019, the Age-Friendly Policy guides our planning to take into account Tasman’s ageing population and to consider the needs of the growing number of older residents.

Policy vision

The Tasman District will be a vibrant age-friendly community where older people are valued, visible and socially connected. Council services, activities and housing will be accessible and affordable.


About the policy

The purpose of the policy is to ensure that the Council’s strategic and operational decisions explicitly take into account Tasman’s ageing population and consider the needs of the growing number of older residents.

Tasman’s population is ageing, which means we have an increasing number of residents aged 65 and over. The number is projected to increase significantly, especially in the 75+ age group, which is projected to more than double over next 20 years. By 2038 Tasman is projected to have one of the oldest populations in NZ.

The policy has been developed by looking at how our activities, services and policies can be more age-friendly. The policy outlines goals, objective and suggested methods which are grouped into nine key issues:

  • Social participation, health and wellbeing
  • Accessibility
  • Housing
  • Transport and mobility
  • Cultural diversity
  • Communication, consultation and information
  • Affordability
  • Safety
  • Employment

The commitments made in this policy will inform decisions within Activity Management Plans, Long Term Plans, Tasman Resource Management Plan and related projects, policies, strategies, and bylaws. 

The policy will be reviewed at least every five years to take into account demographic and technological changes.

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