Which iwi do I talk to?

Find out the which iwi you should talk to (and their contact details) when you're preparing your resource consent application.

You will need to talk to a number of iwi, depending on where your proposal is. 

There are a number of iwi across the region. Their areas of interest overlap and each has their own historical and cultural associations with their identified ancestral lands, water, sites, wahi tapu, and other taonga.

Since these areas - or rohe - are not mapped on the the Council's GIS, nor follow any Council administrative boundary, they are described as accurately as possible. We have also indicated where it's a good idea for you to contact the iwi in the first instance to ask them whether your proposal is located inside their rohe. 

Those iwi who have completed iwi management plans have identified their area of interest in those plans. 

Each iwi can only speak in respect of it's own cultural associations and significance. You cannot rely on one iwi's voice to speak for other iwi unless they have express mandate.

Where is your proposal?

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