Environmental data

We measure a lot of stuff! Our data is available to you, whether you want to check water quality at a swimming spot or see how much rainfall we've had at one of our monitoring locations around the region. Dive in - it's fascinating.

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Water Quality sampling results from Groundwater sources

Water quality sampling results from rivers around Tasman

The quality of the air we breathe is important to our health. The main issue is winter-time smog due to wood-burning.

The Council monitors groundwater levels in all the major aquifers in the district. The sites monitored provide regional coverage with the intensity of monitoring driven by the pressure on the groundwater resource in that particular area.

We monitor rainfall using automatic recording sites at a number of locations.

As part of Tasman District Council Environmental Monitoring programme weather conditions are monitored at three sites around the region.

We monitor river levels and flows on a number of rivers across the District at automatic recording sites.

Swimming Water Quality for our most popular bathing spots.

Golden Bay and Tasman Bay
Tidal and Buoy Sites

View the graphs showing the annual total water consumption for each water management zone