The treasure of kindness: Tasman Parks Week 2022

Solve the clues to open a treasure box with kind messages until 14 March.

Washbourn Gardens, Bill Wilkes Reserve and Easby Park. ,

Shhhh! We are going to reveal the location of secret treasures of kindness that are hidden in Richmond Parks. While looking for treasures of kindness, you may discover magical places or find creatures you never knew were there. You will solve the clues to open the treasure boxes with kind messages from our community and will create your own to share with others.   

Remember, the locations of the treasure boxes are top secret, share them only with people you fully trust.  

The parks included in The Treasure of Kindness game: Washbourn Gardens, Bill Wilkes Reserve and Easby Park. 

How to play 

  • Prepare a card (handmade or buy one) with a kind message, a poem or a picture, or create another way to express care and love for others. Please make sure whatever you prepare fits the dimensions of the treasure box, which are: 7.8cm (H) x 17.9cm (W) x 12.9cm (D). 
  • Using the clues that we will reveal on March 7 on our website/Facebook, figure out the three-digit code combination to unlock the treasure box. 
  • Find the treasure box located in each of the three parks and open the lock (make sure that the digits on the lock align properly). 
  • Read the kind message(s) that your community left there for you and put the card that you prepared inside the box. 

Washbourn Gardens 


  1. Look high up in the gazebo and use the last digit on the lock 
  2. By the pond:  ___ of picnic tables + ____ benches = ?  
  3. Find the building where the park staff eat their lunches. What is the number on the plate?  

How to find the Box? 

From the Oxford Street Carpark, cross the bridge and, following the sign ‘Fernery’, go up the stairs. Follow the path until you pass the bench on your right. The box is hidden somewhere nearby.  

Bill Wilkes  


  1. There is a bench with a plague. Find it and sum up the digits of the year  
  2. A family of Taniwha has settled under one of the picnic tables. How many Taniwha are there?  
  3. How many pieces of exercise equipment can you see?  

How to find the Box?  

Follow the path from Washbourn Drive. Find a willow with swings, look around for the box. 

Easby Park 


  1. Count the number of animals who never leave the playground 
  2. Fairies love to hide between old logs. How many can you find between the logs in Easby Park?  
  3. ‘Tic Pin Cable’ has a number (solve the anagram) 

How to find the Box?  

Enter the Easby Park Playground. Find massive trees that are the best for climbing, look around for the box.  

Once you've found a box:

  • Take a picture and share it on social media with the tag #tasmanparksweek  
  • Lock the box, change the numbers on the lock, and put the treasure box back where you found it 
  • Go to the next park and repeat the steps. 

Note: Please don’t misplace the treasure box and remember to mix up the numbers on the lock after you put it back.  

This activity is dedicated to National Parks Week 2022 and encourages the community to explore local parks and share some love and kindness that we all need right now. It is available in these until 12 PM on March 14.

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