Richmond Greenways project closures

Herbert Street closure

We will be removing planter boxes and some on-street parking on Herbert Street, and constructing rain gardens in their place. These landscape features act as filters for rainwater and are like the ones on Elizabeth Street.

This work will take place between Monday 1 July and Friday 12 July, weather permitting. Between 6.30am and 6.30pm, our team on-site will assist residents with access in and out of their properties. Outside of these hours, there will be access available through the closure.

Crescent Street (near Wensley Road) closure

We will be installing a slot drain on Crescent Street (at the top near Wensley Road) from Monday 1 July to Friday 12 July, weather permitting.

There are no houses directly located within the closure area, but access into Crescent Street from Wensley Road will not be available during this time. Access into Crescent Street will be available via Oxford Street and Blair Terrace.