News and notices

Read the latest news and public notices, including our fortnightly Newsline.

Puponga Foreshore

Pūponga planting planned

The clearance of a stand of old man pine trees at Port Pūponga in Golden Bay has provided a new environment for foreshore plantings of coastal…

Bikers Brekky

Pedalers pause for refreshments

They came in their dozens, on cycles of all shapes and sizes – commuters, students, leisure riders, even babies in bike seats.

Our annual ‘Bikers’ Brekkies’ in…

Maritime events

The Harbourmaster has (or may soon) grant authorisations for the following known events.

Shellfish advisory - Waimea Inlet

People should not take shellfish from the Waimea Inlet following a weekend sewage spill in Richmond.

Due to a blockage, sewage overflowed from our system in Oxford…


Update on algae at Wai-iti

Update 9 February 2024

Toxic Algae levels in the Wai-Iti and Lee Rivers have dropped below 20% coverage. This reduced presence means a lower risk and we…