Attending and speaking at meetings

Here's how to get involved in our public meetings.

If you want to attend a public meeting, you can. All public meetings except those listed below are open to the public unless the meeting resolves to exclude the public.

Check the agenda to find out if the meeting is open to the public and where the meeting you wish to attend is being held.  Most Council and committee meetings are held at the Council’s Richmond office, 189 Queen Street, Richmond - Council Chambers.

Turn right after you’ve entered the building and follow the signage to the Council Chambers. The public seating area is on the left as you enter the Chambers.

Many meetings (except extraordinary meetings) have a public forum where you can speak if you wish.  This is an opportunity to bring up a matter of concern or comment on agenda items. It is not a time to ask councillors' questions. 

Information on speaking at public meetings and how to register is below.

Council and committee meetings have a formal agenda of items for discussion. This agenda is made publicly available two working days prior to the meeting. Details for joining the meeting via Zoom are on the front page of the agenda.  The agenda includes any supporting reports and information required to assist elected members in their decision-making.

Meetings are organised and run by the regulations set in statute. These include the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Local Government Act 2002.

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