Rates rebates

Low-income earners can have some of their rates credited. This is known as a rates rebate.

You may qualify for a credit for some of your rates. 

If you have applied for a rates rebate in the last financial year (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024), you will automatically receive an application form and guide in mid to late July.

You need to pay your rates account as usual while your application is processed.

We will credit the rates rebate amount to your rates account and notify you once your application has been processed, please be aware processing timing can vary. If you have a weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit we will also notify you of your revised direct debit payment amount.

Applications open 25 July to 30 June

Applications open on 25 July, once you have received your first rates assessment for the financial year. Applications made after 30 June, the end of the rating year, cannot be accepted unless the 30th falls on a weekend. In these cases, the deadline shifts to the following working day. 

Apply for a rates rebate.(external link)

If you live in a retirement village

Your village manager must sign a declaration form.

Rates-rebate-declaration-retirement-village.pdf (pdf 108 KB)

If you live in a company-share apartment

The person who is responsible for paying rates for the whole property must sign a declaration form.

Rates-rebates-declaration-company-share-apartment.pdf (pdf 263 KB)

More information

Read more about getting rates rebates on the Department of Internal Affairs website(external link)

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