Freshwater Farm Plan Certifiers and Auditors

Ready to have your Freshwater Farm Plan certified or audited? Here is a register of qualified people who have been approved to work in Tasman.

Note: This page is under construction.  Closer to the time when the FWFPs are rolled out in Tasman (anticipated to be January 2025) names of those who can certify and audit your FWFPs will be added below.

How will the Certifiers and Auditors be appointed to work in Tasman?

Certifiers and auditors will be appointed by Tasman District Council. They will be required to meet a set of criteria that are set out in the FWFP regulations and complete national and regional training. It is expected rural professionals will be appointed as certifiers.

When you are ready to have your Freshwater Farm Plan (FWFP) either certified or audited, you must choose a provider from the names which will be listed on this page.   

Please be aware that the person who certifies your FWFP cannot be the same person who audits your FWFP, and visa- versa. 

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