Safe cyclists

We want cyclists to be safe - so we collect data about cycle crashes on our roads and have programmes for cyclists.

Biking in our towns

Waka Kotahi has recently issued a handy guide for cyclists, helping everyone to stay as safe as possible. The key points are:

  • Position yourself to be seen
  • Communicate your intentions
  • Know when to take the lane
  • Scan for risks
  • Shine bright at night
  • Remember, we're all human

You can check out the full guide here.(external link)

Motorists - use the Dutch Reach

This simple technique has been used in the Netherlands for many years and it helps reduce the risk of opening your car door in front of a cyclist. 

Drivers and passengers each use their far hand to open car door.  As you reach across for the door handle you are forced to swivel in your seat. You then automatically look in your at mirror can easily check for bikes or other traffic.

Report a cycle crash

If you are involved in, or see, a cycle crash or near miss, please use this online form to tell us about it.

The form helps us gather data about cycle crashes on our roads. If we have more information, we can direct resources to make it safer for cyclists.

The cycle crash reporting information is useful for:

  • highlighting trends and blackspots
  • guiding future education and enforcement programmes
  • improving design and maintenance of cycle paths and roads

Cyclists road code

The New Zealand Transport Agency has produced a Road Code for cyclists.(external link)

Related links

Cycling information from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency(external link)

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