Tākaka Catchments

Freshwater management in the Tākaka Catchments is currently under review through two processes – a new freshwater regional plan and a government-led Water Conservation Order process for Te Waikoropupū Springs.

Tākaka Catchments

The Tākaka Catchments relates to the area that will become the Tākaka Freshwater Management Unit (FMU).  This includes catchments of the Tākaka River and its tributaries and the coastal catchments between Wainui Bay and Tukurua. 

Tākaka Water Management Catchments.pdf (pdf 745 KB)

FLAG Recommendations for freshwater in Tākaka

The Freshwater and Land Advisory Group (FLAG) was a collaborative community group supported by Council that reviewed freshwater management in the Catchments between 2014 and 2019.  The FLAG provided their recommendations report to the Council at Onetahua marae on the 24 June 2019. The FLAG have requested their report be read in conjunction with the report by Manawhenua ki Mohua:

FLAG Recommendations Report - July 2019.pdf (pdf 2.8 MB) 

Manawhenua Matauranga Report for the Tākaka Catchments - June 2019  (pdf 3.4 MB)

The Council adopted in-principle all but one of the FLAG’s recommendations at a Full Council meeting on the 21 May 2020. You can read the agenda and report here.(external link) 

The FLAG recommendations are being used to inform development of a new freshwater regional plan for the Takaka Catchments. 

The one FLAG recommendation not adopted by the Council related to stock exclusion, as this issue was to be covered by a separate national regulation. Subsequently national regulations under the RMA covering stock exclusion came into effect in August 2020. Read more about stock exclusion regulations.

What next?

Staff are progressing the Tākaka Catchments freshwater plan as part of the Tasman Land and Freshwater plan change and are working towards providing a draft of the plan change for public feedback in mid-2024. 

This review was previously part of the whole-of-plan review to create the Tasman Environment Plan, however much of this work has been put on hold while we look at the implications of the Resource Management reform which will lead to a combined Tasman-Nelson plan. Get more information on this process here: Aorere ki uta, Aorere ki tai - Tasman Environment Plan.

The new land and freshwater plan will aim to meet Council's requirements to implement the 2020 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM).(external link)

The new freshwater plan change will also reflect any Water Conservation Order made for Te Waikoropupū Springs (see below for further information).

Ask a question about the process

To ask a question about this process, email Lisa McGlinchey, Principal Planner, Environmental Policy.

Government processes and changes

Background on the FLAG process 

Information resources for the Tākaka Catchments

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