Water in, water out

Water is a precious resource - this section covers how we get water to your property, metering, and how we manage taking wastewater and stormwater away. There's also tips for reducing your water use.

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We operate 17 water supply schemes around the district. In urban areas high pressure water supplies are metered.

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Water is precious and even small savings make a difference. We cannot always rely on getting rain and having the shared water tanks full.

Stormwater flows directly to streams, rivers and beaches - so we need to make sure only rain and clean tap water go down the outside drains.

Read more about water supply to your property, meters, the water testing we do and learn how you can help keep our waterways clean.

Wastewater is your laundry, shower and toilet water which is collected and treated before dispersal.

Central government-led changes are coming to water services.