A large revegetation project near Māpua has turned ten and the amazing results have matched the effort put in by the local community.

The 10-year anniversary of the Dominion Flats community restoration project was acknowledged last month – an opportunity for those who have supported the project to reflect on the success of restoring this six-hectare space beside State Highway 60.

The area was bought by the Council after the completion of the Te Mamaku bypass, with an understanding that the community would be involved in restoring it as near as possible to its original state of lowland kahikatea forest.

Planting started in November 2013, with plants eco-sourced and grown by local nurseries.

While we’ve overseen the project to provide help and guidance, the lion’s share of work has been carried out by volunteers across the community – including school groups, business groups and scouts with a small group coming every week to help with planting and weeding.

Funding from a large number of charities and organisations has enabled ongoing development, and volunteers have also built tables and seats with donated materials.

A trapping line is regularly checked with good catches of stoats, weasels, rats and hedgehogs.

The popular tracks have grown from rudimentary paths mown with a weed eater to gravelled pathways with boardwalks and small bridges.

The work completed now offers good shade and protection to the native fish in the streams and a habitat for birds.

