Nelson Tasman Emergency Management says it’s important that communities know how to respond to disasters, such as wildfires or floods.

Communities have unique needs and considerations that often only their own customised plan can address.

Group Welfare Manager Kathy King says people often don’t think about being prepared for an emergency until one happens, and then it’s too late.

“We can all see the drying conditions out there. While we’re working closely with Fire and Emergency NZ to be prepared for wildfires, people need to be empowered to work together. The idea is that when a community has a plan, they can take appropriate actions for any disaster, including fires.”

She says if your community hasn’t already got a plan, get onto it now.

As residents found out after the Lake Ohau fires in 2020, their plan saved lives.

“Those fires were sudden and devastating but because the community had a plan, no lives were lost.”

Nelson Tasman Emergency Management has a Community Emergency Preparedness Plan template and accompanying guide to help your community get prepared. Communities in valleys, or rural pockets are ideally suited to working together to create a plan.

Aniseed Valley residents have identified their main risks and are working with FENZ to find evacuation routes and proactive ways to keep themselves safe.

For further information contact Kathy King, Group Welfare Manager for Nelson Tasman Emergency Management, at or Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

Pictured above: Kathy King and Aniseed Valley resident Dave Phillips.