Freedom camping bylaw

This bylaw sets out what we expect from freedom campers and how we enforce the regulations. It also has three Schedules which indicate areas which are defined as:

  • Prohibited for all forms of Camping,
  • Restricted to certain types of vehicle,
  • Permitted for all camping with some specific restrictions.


Hard copies of the Bylaw are available for viewing at all Council Offices.

Purpose of the Bylaw

The purpose of this Bylaw is to:

  • Ensure appropriate access to local areas is maintained and protected,
  • Protect, promote, and maintain public health and safety,
  • To protect the areas where people may freedom camp,
  • Provide transparency for those wishing to freedom camp in the district,
  • Encourage a positive experience for campers and local residents.

For the avoidance of doubt, this Bylaw does not relate to land controlled or managed by the Department of Conservation, under the Conservation Act 1987, the National Parks Act 1980, the Reserves Act 1977 or the Wildlife Act 1977.

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