Tasman Biodiversity Strategy

The Tasman Biodiversity Strategy was adopted in August 2022.

Strategy adopted August 2022

You can read the strategy document here: Tasman Biodiversity Strategy 2022 (pdf 3.1 MB)

During the preparation of the Tasman – Nelson Regional Pest Management Plan, the lack of an agreed strategy guiding biosecurity and biodiversity activity became apparent and the preparation of a Biodiversity Strategy started.

Indigenous biodiversity, the native flora and fauna of the region, is in crisis. We are losing species at an accelerating rate. Without guidance to provide integration and prioritisation, it is unlikely that ongoing loss and degradation will be slowed, let alone reversed.

It was recognised early in the process that the breadth of the activity needed to reverse biodiversity decline would be beyond the Council alone to achieve. For the Strategy to be successful it would need as many individuals, agencies and groups working together as possible. Therefore, a hearts and minds approach was adopted.

Late 2019 saw the Strategy development underway. A governance group comprising Councillors and representatives of iwi chairs was established to oversee the project. The governance group sought nominations and appointed members to an independent working group covering a range of expertise and broadly representative of landowners, relevant agencies and groups, sectors and the broader community.

Supported by an independent facilitator, the working group worked with the community to develop a non-regulatory, high-level strategy through a consensus process.

The next step of this process is to work with all motivated parties to develop plans of action to implement the Strategy, including how and when they plan to contribute to its implementation.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to get the strategy to this stage.

Process and timeline

Further information

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