Moutere Inlet

Learn more about this shallow estuary located near Motueka.

Moutere Inlet is a moderate-sized (764 ha), well-flushed, shallow, intertidally-dominated, estuary located near Motueka. The estuary consists of one main basin with a tidal opening at each end of Jacket Island, and several tidal embayments separated from the main estuary basin by roads/causeways. The estuary is shallow (mean depth ~2 m) and almost completely drains at low tide. Intertidal habitats are characterised by wide sandflats and mudflats - many perched high in the tidal range - and well flushed, steeply incised drainage channels, particularly near the entrances. These channels contain a variety of cobble, gravel, sand and biogenic (oyster, mussel, tubeworm) habitats, and support localised macroalgal growths. Although significantly reduced from their historical range, small patches of seagrass remain in the lower tidal reaches of the estuary, and salt marsh is present along the upper tidal margins.

Overall, despite extensive historical habitat modification, much reduced habitat diversity, and large areas of mud, the estuary retains significant ecological value, although it is currently expressing moderate symptoms of eutrophication and muddiness. Without reductions in current nutrient and sediment loads the estuary is likely to remain in a similar state to its present condition, and salt marsh losses are likely to increase in response to sea level rise.

More information and monitoring data is also available on the LAWA website.(external link)

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