Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund Application Form

All fields marked * require an answer.

Organisation details

*We are a:
*Does your application involve a partnership with a local school /club?
*Do you have any disabled individuals who are being supported by this fund?

Financial details

*Are you registered for GST?

How much money are you applying for?

Please detail how much you are applying to Sport NZ for, any other funders you have approached and the contribution you will be making. 

*Do you have endorsement from your local affiliated club/school for this application for funding? (this is only relevant if the group applying is the regional body).

Please include the digits for Bank-Branch-Account-Suffix for example, 01-0444-0123456-00


We consent to Tasman District Council collecting the personal contact details and information provided in this application, retaining and using these details and disclosing them to Sport NZ for the purpose of review of the rural travel fund. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.

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